(805) 461-3920
Models: PV20-0610-003, -005, -007 & -010
Models: PV20-0620-015 & -020
Models: PV20-0920-040
3:1, 5:1, 7:1 & 10:1 15:1 & 20:1 40:1
Models: PV40-0610-003, -005, -007 & -010
3:1, 5:1, 7:1 & 10:1 15:1 20:1 & 40:1
Models: PV40-0620-015
Models: PV40-0920-020, -040
Disclaimer: To the best of our knowledge, these 3D models are accurate and are detailed enough for most applications.
Please feel free to use them but be careful to note that they are not certified models. They have been posted here for your
design convenience and without guarantee of accuracy. We would appreciate input on any improvements that you may suggest.
Use Agreement: Down loading models from this page acknowledges your agreement to use the model only for use in your
application and not for sale to anyone else or for distribution to others.